Thursday, June 23, 2016

What do children gain from circle time ?


  In kindergarten  you should always have circle time because you are getting the students to come together to share thoughts , make them feel a part of the group, listen to one another , sing together , and have support for one another. Before you have circle time you should do a dance or sing a song to let the students know it is time to go to the special rug. Circle time is a time when you keep your students active by getting them to participate in things that is hands on so that they could fully understand the concept. Read Aloud should be engaging, interesting, and a good book because it will keep the students engaged in it. While reading the book you can find something to pass around in the circle so that the students can touch or feel something that is taken from the story into their hands. Circle time is for the students to learn, and grow. Behaving in a group is a learned skill, which prepares the students for later on in life. The students gain social skills from language, and empathy that is being practiced in circle time.   Readers should click on this post because it will give you a chance to see what  children will  gain from circle time in class.

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